It’s true that squatting on the side of the road and eating bread can be hit by stuffing cakes … This luck is already bursting!
Changsheng suddenly burst out laughing, laughing more and more, so that the whole person lay back on the bed.
Laughing and laughing, his tears flowed out of the corner of his eye.
Changsheng wiped his head and his back was wet.
He fixed his eyes on the ceiling and gnashed his teeth.
After thirty years, I’ll be a grandfather from now on! Don’t let me be an uncle, whether it’s a man or a ghost, blow it up with one fucking blow!
Chapter 12 A Forever Forward Figure
Changsheng found himself again in the tourist-packed Spanish Square in front of the statues of Cervantes and Don Quixote, but this time he was no longer squatting in his hand and didn’t take a bite of bread.
He felt strange.
Back in time?
His first reaction was shit! There is still no file!
But soon he reacted.
He remembers that he was very excited when he was hit by a stuffing cake falling from the sky, and he transferred the system to study it again, and the study went on after midnight.
I was really sleepy before I fell asleep.
And then …
By the way, I should be dreaming now!
Changsheng was relieved.
But what do I dream about this square again?
At this time, god always wins and finds himself in the dark.
His eyes refocused on a person in front of him.
Not a beggar, at least in terms of clothes … Although not a beggar, it is still very strange.
Changsheng feels a little familiar.
Then he looked at the face and froze-isn’t this the old beggar?
Absolutely right!
Changsheng is still quite confident in his memory for a few days. The old beggar impressed him deeply at that time, and he still remembers the appearance of the old beggar until now.
At present, this man impressively gave him an old beggar!
But he was wearing …
Chang Sheng thinks the old beggar looks familiar … Where is it?
Changsheng’s eyes wandered to the group of statues behind the old beggar.
He saw the same decoration as the old beggar in that statue!
And that statue is … Don Quixote!
"We meet again, young man," the old beggar … Oh, no, now Don Quixote smiled and said to Changsheng.
Changsheng opened his mouth and couldn’t accept this reality for a while.
The old beggar turned out to be Don Quixote?
Did I cross it or did Don Quixote cross it?
Even a football house always wins and knows who Don Quixote is, which is the most famous literary image in Spain …
"I’m glad you can find a job again, young man. I think you have a chance to realize your dream now."
Ever-victorious reaction to come over-his crossing plus plug-in this kind of thing he met just a Don Quixote is not a big deal …
After the reaction, he remembered what he should do.
"I want to thank you for that … what should I call you? Don Quixote? "
"I think’ old man’ is a good name," Don Quixote laughed.
Changsheng also smiled, "I must thank you, old man. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had this opportunity …"